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TV 05:50:07
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Alanis Morissette - Now Is The Time (1992) - The Time Of Your Life

The Time Of Your Life
Alanis Morissette
Now Is The Time (1992)

Standing there on a road that leads to anywhere
Like a child left in the wilderness, standing there penniless
Wanting to be the best

Here's a place where life runs at a different pace
Where love is just convenient, none are obedient
And we are subservient

Look at me, I'm a girl that some may preconceive
Why do they try and generalize, why are they antagonizing me
But something I can't control that...

I Wantcha
You know I'll never stop 'til I've gotcha
You'll never be quite the same when I rock ya
I'm not the kind of girl that you thought I was
You'll have a good time 'cause I wantcha
I'm breaking down the walls 'till I have you, feel you
Show you the time of your life

Here we are and I wonder how we've come this far
In a world that does not recognize women are victimized
What does that symbolize

Why do I want the things I usually criticize
It may be self destructiveness, or maybe it's emptiness inside
But something I can't control that...


You'll have a good time...
It's a lonely road, and no one knows the way that I feel
I'm not giving up now... I'll never try to justify
They'll never understand, you'll be a happy man
You'll have the time of your life

It's something, it's something, it's something that I can't control
The time of your life...




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