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Alannah Myles - Rockinghorse (1992) - Sonny Say You Will

Sonny Say You Will
Alannah Myles
Rockinghorse (1992)

Sonny say you will, take me strolling with you out on the boardwalk
'Cause you know you always make me feel
Like we are lovers on parade with your sweet talk
You look so cool but I know that you care
The way you run your fingers through my hair
You make me feel like I'm a star on your sleeve
The way you hold me it's so wild and sweet
And Sonny say we will, go walking down by the ocean
'Cause the night can get so still, and lovers they can get the notion
The street is crazy with the summer heat
Lost souls collide and try to land on their feet
You make me feel like I'm no ordinary girl
Why don't we walk out of this every day world
And Sonny say we will, spend the night all alone together
This is some kinda wonderful, Sonny let it last forever
Oh Sonny say you will, Sonny let it last forever and ever and ever
Sonny say you will, I know you will
I know you will




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