Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 293 online
TV 01:44:51
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Alghazanth - Subliminal Antenora (2000) - Breathless Flesh Sculpture

Breathless Flesh Sculpture
Subliminal Antenora (2000)

One thousand different rooms full of painOne thousand rooms full of different painThere are no words to describe all the horrorWhich these thick stonewalls have witnessedVoyaging into the ravines in their empty eyesYou can observe all those Demons as they riseExperiencing the perverse form of true artAll the poetry in dead flesh and suffocated loveListen carefully to the dialogue between your skin and these rusty bladesFeel free to appreciate our ways to progress youWorship the blackened lights in our forwarded heartsAs we turn your filthy body into a piece of artThe desecration of god's image is almost completedAs your desperation enriches this masterpieceThe symmetry of mutilation is worth marvelingAll the artists wait for your pulse to seizeIn the breathless flesh exhibition our loyality is comprisedThrough the materialising of sickness our praises are combinedWith the magnificience of this art we hail Thee, oh Satan!!!Listen carefully to the dialogue between your skin and these rusty bladesFeel free to appreciate our ways to progress youWorship the blackened lights in our forwarded heartsAs we turn your filthy body into a piece of art






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