Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 287 online
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Alice Cooper - Constrictor (1986) - Simple Disobedience

Simple Disobedience
Alice Cooper
Constrictor (1986)

Looks like all your laws are broken, all your lines are down
And all your officers are shook up babbling little clowns
Looks like all your power's gone, it's sprayed upon the wall
In blood and spit, it spells out your inevitable fall

And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
Yeah, all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience

Now all your complex little schemes that form your master plan
Are scrambled up and that is something you just don't understand
A cyclone of confusion rips right through your holy troops
The very thing that weakens you gives power, gives me juice

And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
Yeah, all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience

Take your laser microscope and try to find an answer
No antidote or drug to cure our special strain of cancer
It spreads its revolution wide from cell to cell to cell
Your kingdom's like your body, it dies and goes to hell

And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
Yeah, all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience




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