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TV 04:04:03
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Alice Cooper - Love It To Death (1971) - Long Way To Go

Long Way To Go
Alice Cooper
Love It To Death (1971)

We still got a long way to go
We still got a long way to go
We all got a long way to go

What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness
What's holding us together isn't love
Listen to the man who's been
touched all his life
Yes he's the one they call the fool

Where is the savior of the sidewalk life
and the road that takes us to the crusades
I've seen the shadows
as they're moving in my sleep
leading the blind poet to his grave

We still got a long way to go
We still got a long way to go
Yes we all got a long way to go

Please don't waste your energy on me my friend
cause we still got a long way to go
we'll meet again some day
but right now just go away
cause I still got a long way to go

The silence is speaking
so why am I weeping
I guess I love it
I love it to death

We still got a long way to go
Yes we still got a long way to go
Yes we all got a long way to go




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