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TV 02:03:25
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Alice in Chains - Bank Heist (1999) - Lying Season

Lying Season
Alice in Chains
Bank Heist (1999)

There's no reason
To deny
It's the season
Of the lie

Having someone
Grin at you
Look at little fingers
Pointing truth

Man it's a weight on my mind
And that's fine
But now we wade past the point of decline
There's no time

I'm a believer
In the new
Past receiver
All come true

Look to the east
Filled with hate
Neutral flashers
While we wait

Man it's a weight on my mind
And that's fine
But now we wade past the point of decline
There's no time

I'm an old lover
You're so sane
Who's the answer
Of what I mean

In this ocean
I fell into
Break me out of
The shell I grew

Man it's a weight on my mind
And that's fine
But now we wade past the point of decline
There's no time

There's no time
(There's no time)
There's no time
(There's no time)
No time
(There's no time)
No time
(There's no time)




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