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Alice in Chains - Unplugged (1996) - No Excuses

No Excuses
Alice in Chains
Unplugged (1996)

It's alright
There comes a time
Got no patience to search for peace of mind
Layin' low
Wanna take it slow
No more hiding or disguising truths I've sold

Everyday it's something hits me all so cold
You find me sittin' by myself no excuses, then I know

It's okay
Had a bad day
Hands are bruised from breaking rocks all day
Drained and blue
I bleed for you
You think it's funny, well you're drowning in it too

Everyday it's something hits me all so cold
You find me sittin' by myself no excuses, then I know

Yeah, it's fine
Walk down the line
Leave our rain, a cold Trade for warm sunshine
You my friend
I will defend
And if we change, well I love you anyway

Everyday it's something hits me all so cold
Find me sittin' by myself no excuses, then I know






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