Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 304 online
TV 05:35:32
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Alice in Chains - unreleased - King of the Kats

King of the Kats
Alice in Chains

Hot leather and sex
All the things that I dress in best
Ain't no way you can beat
The way I'm flyin fast on my feet

I'm the king, I'm the king, I'm the king of the kats
And I'm ready to roll
I'm the king, I'm the king, I'm the king of the kats
And baby that's a fact alright

Quickest gun in the west
There ain't no question that I'm the best
Drinking till I die
You're sick and skinny well so am I

I'm the king, I'm the king, I'm the king of the kats
And I'm ready to roll
I'm the king, I'm the king, I'm the king of the kats
And baby that's a fact alright

(Look Out!)

I'm the king, I'm the king, I'm the king of the kats
And I'm ready to roll
I'm the king, I'm the king, I'm the king of the kats
And baby that's a fact alright
Ooh, that's alright


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