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Alien Ant Farm - Anthology (2001) - Stranded

Alien Ant Farm
Anthology (2001)

Your waves come crashing down
Like a semi-auto trailer
I dive so deep in the sea
To avoid killer whales
A perfect moment here and gone
It has sailed
I’ll use a hammerhead to drive
Rusty nail inside

I’m feeling the sea beneath you, beneath me
I’m feeling the sea beneath you, beneath me

Imagine if our world was blue and weightless
I never meant to do wrong to you
You’re my starfish

You moan a tone so low beyond me
A telepathic sub-sonic frequency
I need a little air for emergency
You have to understand this urgency

I’m feeling the sea beneath me, beneath you
White sand beneath my feet
No brain between my ears
I’m feeling the sea beneath you, beneath me
I know that if I had one
I’d spare us both these years

I’m feeling the sea beneath me, beneath you
White sand beneath my feet
No brain between my ears
I’m feeling the sea beneath you, beneath me
I know that if I had one
I’d spare us both these years

A sea anemone, you’re my enemy






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