Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 290 online
TV 02:21:49
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Alien Ant Farm - Greatest Hits - Nova Hands

Nova Hands
Alien Ant Farm
Greatest Hits

Trust me, I haven’t got trust in me
We can grit some teeth and dream
Just don’t let three fall, on the great time oh stye
New Scheme but all the players bored me, to be tired and work…
On the things we shouldn’t on the great time oh stye

I got in my eye
Don’t mean the tuff son, be road…no

In this place with no face, will you stare
In this place with no face, can’t be real
They want me, they need me
Heaven pray to want me

Trust me, I haven’t got trust in me
We can grit some teeth and dream
Just don’t let three fall, on the great time os stye

I got in my eye
Don’t mean the tuff son, be road…no
In this place with no face, will you stare
In this place with no face, can’t be real
They want you, they need you
Heaven pray to want you

I like thee on mediocrity also be so real
I like thee on mediocrity, so fake, so fake, so fake




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