Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 291 online
TV 02:04:54
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Alkaline Trio, The - Goddamnit! (1998) - Cop

Alkaline Trio, The
Goddamnit! (1998)

Wonder what it was that made you this way
Maybe as a baby you dropped your rattle
And it still rattles you to this day
You better practice your evil looks in the mirror
They don't work on me

Slowly crawling up from the down low
The other cops still call you 'fatso'
Short fuse and a top to blow
Unhappy wife, shitty life, hit the bottle
Your whole world dropped from under you
Left you with sorry excuses
Left you with meaningless things to prove
Like why you became a cop
Why did you become a cop?

Wonder what it was that made you this way
As a boy your toys were taken away
And it still toys with you to this day
You better practice your evil looks in the mirror
They don't work on me

Slowly crawling up from the down low
The other cops still call you 'fatso'
Short fuse and a top to blow
Unhappy wife, shitty life, hit the bottle
Your whole world dropped from under you
Left you with sorry excuses
Left you with meaningless things to prove
Like why you became a cop
Why did you become a cop?
Shut the fuck up.

After my court date
I'll forget about you
I'll tell my cellmate
I'll forget about you
After the jail break
I'll forget about you
After I'm through singing this song
I'll forget about you, I'll forget about you!






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