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All american rejects - When The World Comes Down (2008) - Real World

Real World
All american rejects
When The World Comes Down (2008)

I woke up on this side
I thought it was a dream
At first we learned to walk
Then learned to scream

You can’t understand
When you’re fed from a tv screen
You can’t see the things that I can see
But I forget that you thank god and pray
Some things just never stay
And we all just slip away

This can't be the real world now
I don’t believe it
When I can’t see the truth
Welcome to the real world now
When all our carried in now just to poison you
Am I the only one who thinks it’s tragic?
This cant be the real world now
No, oh
No, oh

I look for some hope in every face that has a vacant stare
The shadows come but no one seems to care
The darkness floods every light that promised change
She passed sound asleep when the blood is stained, the blood is pain.
Somewhere I know that I'm not all alone
This bated breath I hone
My lungs want to explode

This can't be the real world now
I don’t believe it
When I can't see the truth
Welcome to the real world now
When all our carried in now just to poison you
Am I the only one who thinks its tragic
'Cause I know
This can't be the real world now
No, oh
No, oh
This can't be the real world now
No, oh
No, oh

Just as soon as we see every floor in every mean will understand
Before the first time
Child to a man's only real words that he can
Its too late to smell the roses
When all emotions set aside
In a whisper say goodbye

This can't be the real world now
I don’t believe it
When I can’t see the truth
Welcome to the real world now
When all our carried in now just to poison you
Am I
The only one who thinks its tragic
'Cause I know
This can't be the real world now
No oh,
No oh
This can't be the real world now
No oh,
No oh
This cant be the real world
This cant be the real world
This cant be the real world now
No oh uh no oh






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