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TV 06:02:05
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Allister - Dead Ends & Girlfriends (1999) - Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary
Dead Ends & Girlfriends (1999)

it was just another boring friday night
when things got a little out of control
a record player and some cds
is what he stole

well he claims he wiped the finger prints
clean off the stolen goods
but it's too bad he didn't hide the evidence
because he's going to jail
andy is going to jail

now he's sitting in jail
with a drunk and a wifebeater
he says the food tastes weird
and the cell smells like piss and beer

now he claims he wiped the finger prints
clean off the stolen goods
but it's too bad he didn't hide the evidence
because he's going to jail
andy is going to jail




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