Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 289 online
TV 02:35:44
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Almost, The - Southern Weather (2007) - Dirty and Left Out

Dirty and Left Out
Almost, The
Southern Weather (2007)

Hello, I swear I won't be too long
Hello, I promise I'll be real strong
Wait up, I just wanna tell you
Hold up, why are you still here?

I've been dirtier than you wanna know
I've left earlier than you'll ever know

Why do you wanna be all listening to me
Why do you spread your arms and tell me I'm free
Why do you wanna be in my life
In my life

I've been dirtier than you wanna know
I've left earlier than you'll ever know


Jesus, Jesus
There's something about your name
Master, saviour, Jesus

I've been dirtier than you wanna know
I've left earlier than you'll ever know






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