Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 316 online
TV 03:40:58
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Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer (2008) - Strength Through Music

Strength Through Music
Amanda Palmer
Who Killed Amanda Palmer (2008)

[A peculiar thing happened to me this morning]
[Just as reached into my pocket to find it empty of any salve]
[I saw two broken twigs on the ground shaped like the greek letters F and S]
[F and S, Helium, F and S]
[These are the chemical symbols for Iron and Sulfur]
[It was a sign, I was sure, for me to make gold from these two elements]
[I had been working all day over these hellish flames]

locked in his bedroom
he saw the world
a web of answers
and cumshot girls

tick tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick tick

don't bother blaming
his games and guns
he's only playing
and boys just want to have fun

he picked a soundtrack
and packed his bag
he hung his walkman
around his neck

tick tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick tick

it's so simple
the way they fall
no cry, no whimper
no sound at all

tick tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick tick






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