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Ambulance LTD - Ambulance LTD (2004) - Stay Where You Are

Stay Where You Are
Ambulance LTD
Ambulance LTD (2004)

Hang around and I'm paranoid
I can't help but doubt
but I don't know what the people know
I want something to count

just stay where you are
I'm right behind you
stay where you are
if someone's looking
stay where you are
I might not be the one, that's true
but I'm trying, don't you know

Rattle coins in a coffee can
you shut me on and off
turn around, turn around
they're burning hotels down

so stay where you are
I'm right behind you
stay where you are
I'm always looking
stay where you are
I might not be the one, that's true
but I'm trying, don't you know

don't you know
don't you know
don't you know

don't hang on
but don't let go
don't aim high
but don't aim low




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