Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 03:50:55
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American Head Charge - The War Of Art (2001) - Self

American Head Charge
The War Of Art (2001)

no sense of self
to balance it off
preconceived notions of something
and everyone's gone
will I show up
with all I have to give
would you consider it a gift
but that
doesn't matter anyway
liar you're such a
on your hands and knees
picking up the broken pieces
liar you're such a
on your hands and knees
afraid to turn my head
for fear of what's behind me
only one resource left
so don't frown on my surprise
is this all you have
is that all you know
I swear I've seen you before
but that
doesn't matter anyway
liar you're such a
on your hands and knees
picking up the broken pieces
liar you're such a
on your hands and knees
falling apart
you've left with more of the same
I can't win






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