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Amon Amarth - Versus the World (2002) - Across the Rainbow Bridge

Across the Rainbow Bridge
Amon Amarth
Versus the World (2002)

My days are numbered - soon I have to leave
The Horns have stretched my living thread
The notion of my demise won't leave me be
Why cannot death just set me free!

I've lived a life of prosperity
But I'm not as young as I used to be
Down the road waits misery
Why cannot death just set me free!

Countless armies have I attacked
Not once have I backed down
And though I've spilled a lot of blood
I never once received a mortal wound

I've raided shores in many lands
I cannot count the men I've killed
So many friends died with sword in hand
But the warrior's death was never granted me

I dress myself in battle clothes
Alone I make the final ride
My sight is blurred, by whipping snow
I seek to end my life

I want to walk across the Rainbow Bridge
And see my fathers in the golden hall
They beckon me to join their feast
In my dreams I hear their call






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