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Amon Amarth - Versus the World (2002) - Versus the World

Versus the World
Amon Amarth
Versus the World (2002)

One we were scum of the Earth
Now we've cleared our names
In Nifelheim came rebirth
Baptized in Mount Doom's flames

A decade now we've fought this war
Never yielding from our path
Our journeys take us to foreign shores
Where we let our metal blast

We've been battered and left for dead
We've been beaten and we have bled
But we always made it through - versus the world
This may be our last quest
Before we're put to rest
The end is coming soon - versus the world

Warriors of the grave took us south
Hell bent on genocide
They made us face the brutal truth
This would be no easy ride

Grotesque creatues of the sky
Met with us on winter fields
Christian god cast aside - Massacre of hallowed eve

We've been battered and left for dead
We've been beaten and we have bled
But we always made it through - versus the world
This may be our last quest
Before we're put to rest
The end is coming soon - versus the world

Persian demons brought us south
On merciless campaign
We've raided the western shores
Always going against the grain

All these years we've fought to win
And sometimes almost died
I tell you now we won't give in
Without a vicious fight

We've been battered and left for dead
We've been beaten and we have bled
Versus the world






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