Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 257 online
TV 01:29:40
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Amorphis - Eclipse (2006) - Brother Moon

Brother Moon
Eclipse (2006)

Free flowing water
The air is so warm
It breathes for you
It sees through you before the storm
And if the lake can't
Be the sister
To the moon
To the river
To the sun

The leaves are falling
Cutting the moonlight
They brake the waves
Gazing to the stars
And if the lake can't
Be the sister
To the moon
To the river
To the earth

I know I wouldn't be strong
Wouldn't be brother to the moon
I know I wouldn't be strong
Wouldn't be sister to the woods

Here is another soul
Another path
Another God






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Amorphis - Eclipserecenze
Amorphis - Elegyrecenze

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