Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 294 online
TV 05:47:39
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Amos, Tori - The Beekeeper (2005) - Jamaica Inn

Jamaica Inn
Amos, Tori
The Beekeeper (2005)

Can you patch my jeans Peggy Ann -
Just a little stitch to mend the hole
He has torn
If you can

Maybe I got too set in my ways
He says she reminds him of me
When we first met
In those early days...

The sexiest thing is trust
I wake up to find
The pirates have come
Typing up along your coast
How was I to know
The pirates have come
Between Rebecca's
Beneath your firmaments
I have worshipped
In the Jamaica Inn
In the Jamaica Inn

With the gales
My little boat was tossed
How was I to know
That you'd sent her
With a lantern
To bring me in

"Are you positive this is a friend?"
The captain grimaced,
"Those are cliffs of rock ahead
If I'm not mistaken."






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Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk (09.10.2002)novinka

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