Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 289 online
TV 03:49:32
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Amusement Parks On Fire - Amusement Parks On Fire (2004) - Venus In Cancer

Venus In Cancer
Amusement Parks On Fire
Amusement Parks On Fire (2004)

Girl in the phone-box
In my home
Right from the first start
In my bones
I haven’t got time
You ask
What you here for?
Take me to the bathroom (..back room?)
And open the door

It’s all I care about
And I found
It’s all I hear about

I can’t figure out what
I wanna wait for
I forged all the answers
And now I want more
I won’t step back and watch
What I paid for
Wait until the mask’s off
And take it too far

Its all I care about
And I found
Its all I hear (I’m here?) about

Straight from the camera
In my heart
Forged all the answers
Right from the start
I haven’t got time
You ask
What you here for?
I won’t step back and watch
What I paid for






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