Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 306 online
TV 01:35:39
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Anal Cunt - 40 More Reasons To Hate Us (1996) - Marc Payson Is A Drunk

Marc Payson Is A Drunk
Anal Cunt
40 More Reasons To Hate Us (1996)

[chorus:] marc payson,marc payson, marc payson is a drunk

at 8 am he has a beer,at 9 am he has a beer,at 10 am he has a beer,he's a
fucking queer
at 1pm he has a beer,at 2 pm he has a beer,at 3 pm he has a beer,then he goes
to work


he always shows up drunk to work,he always shows up drunk to meetings,he's
always drunk around the house,i'm glad you got kicked out
what's up with your hairline,your saxophone is doing fine,you're 25 your kid
is 9,and your father just died



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