Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 257 online
TV 01:29:18
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Anal Cunt - 40 More Reasons To Hate Us (1996) - You Fucking Break

You Fucking Break
Anal Cunt
40 More Reasons To Hate Us (1996)

you've got a fucking cleft palate-palate
and hair just like gene shalit-shalit
i wan't to hit you with a mallet
your teeth are parted to the side-side
you've got a lazy eye-eye
why don't you fucking hide
you're bowllegged and walk around like ray-ray
and skin just like m.j.-j
and you're so fucking gay
you hang around at barca's spa-spa
with a nose like jamie farr-farr
i wan't to hit you with my car

you fucking freak


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