Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 281 online
TV 02:42:40
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Anberlin - New Surrender (2008) - Feel Good Drag

Feel Good Drag
New Surrender (2008)

"I'm here for you," she said
"And we can stay for awhile
My boyfriend's gone
We can just pretend"
Lips that need no introduction
Now who's the greater sin?
Your drab eyes seem to invite
(Tell me, darling) Where do we begin?

Was this over before?
Before it ever began?
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devil's got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devil's in your hands

Everyone in this town
Is seeing somebody else
Everybody's tired of someone
Our eyes wander for help
Prayers that need no answer now
I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake
I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin

Was this over before?
Before it ever began?
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devil's got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devil's in your hands

Failure is your disease
You want my outline drawn
You were my greatest failure
Discourse your saving song

Was this over before?
Before it ever began?
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devil's got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devil's in your hands

Was this over before?
Before it ever began?
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devil's got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devil's in your hands






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