Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 293 online
TV 03:08:26
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Angelfish - Angelfish (1994) - Trash It

Trash It
Angelfish (1994)

Bang bang trash it
Bang bang trash it
Your in the frying pan
We are so happy, happy to be here
We are so happy, happy to be here

Bang bang trash it
That's all she said
Bang bang trash it
Get out of bed

I won't have it
The do bad beast is on for the ride
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
Out of the darkness into the light
Bang bang trash it
Till your face is gone
Will you linger on?

I'm getting out of it
Bang bang bang bang
I'm getting out of it
Bang bang bang bang
I'm getting out of it
Bang bang bang bang
I'm getting out of it
Bang bang bang bang
We are so happy, happy to be here
We are so happy, happy to be here
Bang bang trash it
That's all she said
Bang bang trash it
Get out of bed
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
Out of the darkness into the light

Bang bang trash it
Bang bang trash it
Bang bang trash it (ooooohhhhooohh)
Bang bang trash it (ooooohhhhooohh)
Bang bang trash it
Bang bang trash it






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