Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 311 online
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Angra - Aurora Consurgens (2006) - Abandoned Fate

Abandoned Fate
Aurora Consurgens (2006)

Silent talks
In a cold room, lost
Thoughts are gone
I'm alone

Wonder why
Why the faults were mine

Should I promise this?
Day by day
I need you
Hold you

Can't my eyes just tell?

Claim for pain
Was it all in vain?

New sad days to come
Many smiles we've done
Mourning face
In an abandoned fate

My mind is blind
But I still believe
The truth in shadows
Lies ad me

Don't take my freedom
Is all I've got
Can't force my reason
For lovers knot
I'm lonely and lost

Don't mistreat me
Don't dismiss me
In joy and sorrow

Find a meaning
Keep on dreaming
It is so hard to learn

Here I stand
In a castle of sand
Who can help me then?




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