Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 04:28:58
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Anthrax - Stomp 442 (1995) - Tester

Stomp 442 (1995)

I`ve changed, by staying the same
What does it mean to be different ?
You've changed, faced from the start
Tell me, an alternative to what ?

How does it feel ?
How does it feel to be part of the picture you...
Paint me into a corner
Tearing my niche,
'Cause I'm the opposite of opposite

Test your new model and see
Test your new model against the original
Iąm the man you wanna be
So test your new model and once again you fail me

Planted, I'm staying in touch
Driven, by something with substance
Plugging, away I'm O.K.
Youąll be, here today, gone today

How does it feel ?
How does it feel to be part of the picture you...
Paint me into a corner

Tearing my niche
'Cause Iąm the opposite of opposite

Test your new model and see
Test your new model against the original
Iąm the man you wanna be
So test your new model and once again you fail me

For me, things are the same
I have no problem with fame
I can be everyman
'Cause my friends never shout my name

Test your new model and see
Test your new model against the original
Iąm the man you wanna be
So test your new model and once again you fail me






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