Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 295 online
TV 06:13:36
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Anti-Flag - For Blood And Empire (2006) - State funeral

State funeral
For Blood And Empire (2006)

This is the sound of a dropping bomb
After years of this are we still all content?
With being pawns in war game chess
Shuffled by King George and his English Queen
On a board of autocracy
Fundamentalist citing stories and fables
Of whose god is more righteously skilled
In whose gods' honor we are all killed...
A dead ringer for Armageddon
This State Funeral, we do not mourn
And still the wicked sleep
And dream of endless years of tyranny
Passed on by incestuous means
Skull and Bone, Freemason reigns
Destroy all adversary - free yourself
Erase the common enemy - free yourself
Extinguishing the quarry - free yourself
Through the smoke screen we seek out justice...






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