Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 05:26:18
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Anti-Nowhere League - The Perfect Crime (1994) - Working For The Company

Working For The Company
Anti-Nowhere League
The Perfect Crime (1994)

Here we go again...

I get up at 8, I'm feeling so mechanical
I'm in a trance, I'm watching the time
There's no need to think what kind of a day it it
They're all the same, come rain or shine

I go down to the gates, and into the factory
I take my card, number 49
I make my way through the jungles of machinery
I take my place on the production line

We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds as the day goes by
We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds till the day that we die

The same old job, the same old monotony
The same old faces, day after day
Is this career, is this insanity?
I have to work, and it's insane

"We just want to see you on the factory floor
We don't want to hear what you say
So shut your mouth, get on with your work
Or you will be leaving today"

We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds as the day goes by
We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds till the day that we die...

We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds as the day goes by
We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds till the day that we die...

We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds as the day goes by
We're all here and we're working for the company
We have no minds till the day that we die...

Work work work work
Working for the company
I think that I should, I know when I'm happy
My mind is a dustbin, so full of insanity
I tried to believe in the fact that I'm leaving
I fight for my rights but I just can't be leaving today
No I just can't be leaving today
I just can't be leaving today




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