Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 306 online
TV 05:26:51
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Antony And The Johnsons - The Crying Light (2009) - Epilepsy Is Dancing

Epilepsy Is Dancing
Antony And The Johnsons
The Crying Light (2009)

Epilepsy is dancing
She’s the Christ now departing
And I’m finding my rhythm
As I twist in the snow
The metal burned in me
Down the brain of my river
That fire was searching
For a waterway home
I cry "Glitter is Love!"
My eyes pinned inside
with green jewels
Hanging like Christmas stars
from a golden Vein
As I came to a screaming
Hold me while I’m dreaming
For my fingers are curling
And I cannot breathe
Then I cried in the kitchen
How I’d seen your ghost witching
As a soldering blue line
between my eyes
I cry "Glitter is Love!"
My eyes
Pinned inside
Sea Green jewels
Hanging like Christmas stars
from a Golden Vein
Cut me in quadrants
leave me in the corner
Ooh now it’s passing
Oon now I’m dancing






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