Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 283 online
TV 05:14:11
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Apex Theory, The - Topsy-Turvy (2002) - Add Mission

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Apex Theory, The
Topsy-Turvy (2002)

Behold the movie of the year
Taste like luck but feels clear
March on nails from the bitter souls
Until rust becomes rare and cold... (x2)

You made an error in miss judging us
We're really happy if you just ask
Maybe you've been miss lead to believe
That we have nothing less then us

...Same stories have been played out for ages
I'm ready to be given the chance
For saying our side, our version of choice

Camera capture
Numerous nights of romance

Behold the movie of the year
Taste like luck but feels clear
March on nails from the bitter souls
Until rust becomes rare and cold...

Where do they come from
These suspicious critics
frazzled at the clever incisions
Mistake your way bottom line my days
Greet me with your guilt and shame

...Same stories have been played out for ages
I'm ready to be given the chance
For saying our side, our version of choice

Camera capture
Numerous nights of romance

Behold the movie of the year
Taste like luck but feels clear
March on nails from the bitter souls
Until rust becomes rare and cold...
Until rust becomes rare and cold...
Until rust becomes rare and cold...

...Pass on null the essence
The undying patience
We're here for good (x5)
(now stay)

Behold the movie of the year
Taste like luck but feels clear
March on nails from the bitter souls
Until rust becomes...




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