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Apex Theory, The - Topsy-Turvy (2002) - In Books

In Books
Apex Theory, The
Topsy-Turvy (2002)

Prepare to suffer
In a turbulent sea
You saw the spirit and
You're an ugly attack on wheels

Nail biting never taste so good
Power lines big schedules (x2)

Beginning to starve myself
A minor example to illustrate
You sought escape
The autumns changed
Order of the day

Nail biting never taste so good
Power lines big schedules (x4)

Nationalism is rising
Developing aspirations

Prepare to suffer
In a turbulent sea
You saw the spirit and
You're an ugly attack on wheels

Nail biting never taste so good
Power lines big schedules (x4)

Organic, Dynamic, Exuberant (x2)




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