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Apoptygma Berzerk - Black EP (2006) - Until the End of the World (acoustic version)

Until the End of the World (acoustic version)
Apoptygma Berzerk
Black EP (2006)

I'll wait for you until the end of the world

All the weights that keep me down
Seem heavier than before
They hit me in my face
Though you feel nothing

Only time will heal you say
Your word's not therapy
That half of me is gone
My dearest treasure torn away

I'll stick with you until the end of the world
I cry out loud but you hear nothing
I'll wait for you until the end of the world
My dearest treasure torn away

All the weights that keep me down
Seem heavier than before
They hit me in my face
Though you feel nothing

Only time will heal you say
Your word's not therapy
That half of me is gone
My dearest treasure torn away

I'll stick with you until the end of the world
I cry out loud but you hear nothing
I'll wait for you until the end of the world
My dearest treasure torn away

(I'll wait for you until the end of the world)

I'll stick with you until the end of the world
I cry out loud but you hear nothing
I'll wait for you until the end of the world
Half of me is gone, my dearest treasure torn away

I'll stick with you until the end of the world
I cry out loud but you hear nothing
I'll wait for you until the end of the world
My dearest treasure torn away




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příbuzné odkazy
night stars on air - II. ročník elektronického festivalu (01.09.2003)novinka

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