Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 290 online
TV 03:33:54
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Arab Strap - Elephant Shoe (1999) - The Drinking Eye

The Drinking Eye
Arab Strap
Elephant Shoe (1999)

It doesn't matter how hard you try to deny
What I can see clearly with my drinking eye.
You know I never stop until I see you cry,
Make you insist through snot and tears that you'd never lie.
Now my friday nights have many uses
- I can forget what happens and make up bad excuses.
It doesn't need a weapon or even much motivation,

Just a bit of beer spilt on my playstation.
It makes me sure I've seen him try it on a few times
Before as I shake my head and sigh, standing halfway through the door.
You might've shared a school or a street.
You might've known him for years
- it makes no odds to me, I just want to see the tears.




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