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Arab Strap - Ten Years Of Tears (2006) - The Clearing

The Clearing
Arab Strap
Ten Years Of Tears (2006)

Oh, she always used to be the same.
She'd be loose with a straight dark facial frame.
And now the things that used to turn me off, I find endearing.
And they laugh behind the trees and she lays naked in the clearing.

I adore, but I ignore her.
See, I know it won't last as I reflect upon my past.
But on severance she makes no difference.
There's things I won't let her know, as we're perfecting our show..
I won't ignore her - I think I'll phone her.
I can't explore her if I ignore her.

And now the things that used to turn me off I find endearing.
And they laugh behind the trees as she lies naked in the clearing.

But she won't beckon - is what I reckon.
She might adore me, but she'll ignore me.
Tell them to show there, and we get nowhere.
She loves my snoring, so it never get's boring.

She always used to be the same.
She'd be loose with with a straight dark facial frame.
And now the things that use to turn me off, I find endearing.
And they laugh behind the trees and she lays naked in the clearing.




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