Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 299 online
TV 05:54:43
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Arab Strap - The Week Never Starts Round Here (1996) - Kate Moss

Kate Moss
Arab Strap
The Week Never Starts Round Here (1996)

Don't try and tell me kate moss ain't pretty.
Don't try and make me believe.
Don't try to force me to let you boss me when I'm pretending to leave.

I knew that you could ruin my good mood.
That's exactly what you've done.
We sat there silent ,you got violent.
Going out with you used to be fun.

You're getting colder, no doubt you've told her
I've just come past.
Does she know maybe, you're having a baby?
I think it's about time you did that test.

You know I'll miss you when I can't kiss you.
You know I don't want us to split.
Now I must say it's going that way.
You're always bored and full of shit.




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