Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 03:46:48
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Arab Strap - The Week Never Starts Round Here (1996) - Phone Me Tonight

Phone Me Tonight
Arab Strap
The Week Never Starts Round Here (1996)

Phone me tonight when you're pissed. just to tell me that I'm missed.
Tell me you want me in your cunt. tell me you're not sure what you want.

I tried to tell you, I made it clear. I think you make me not want you here.

Phone me tomorrow when you're sober.

Just to tell me it's all over.
Tell me I'm not wanted in your bed.
Remember one thing you haven't said.

I tried to tell you, I tried to say. I never wanted it to end this way.




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