Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 303 online
TV 02:02:26
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Arch Enemy - Burning Bridges (1999) - Silverwing

Arch Enemy
Burning Bridges (1999)

Fly with me on a starlit sky
I'll set you free... Yes, it can be
A dream unchased is a life at waste
Never let them conquer your pride
Our love is warm here
Like the image of a distant sun
This star will always shine
And never, ever fade away

Fly on... Silverwing
Fly with me... Stay free... Silverwing

Seeking truths in spirit skies
Which one of you will guide me tonight?
The milky way tastes sour,
Has heaven lost its power?
So let us set sail on this sea of dreams
The moon gets lost in the morning sun
Just let the spinning wheel spin
And let your life begin






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