Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 289 online
TV 04:39:57
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Archive - Restriction (2015) - Crushed

Restriction (2015)

I lost a piece of me
A ghost of never ending bliss with you
You tore a hole in me
A shard in shattered memories of you
And me of you and me
You blanked me with a hollow kiss
Handshake, take care and all the best
…to you
You shut the door and walked away
Bleached your heart clean of me
But I remember everything
The way I held you close to me
Don't you? don't, you. not you.
And I'd go back to Grace again
And keep the fire in Notre Dame for you
For you
Not you


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