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TV 03:35:22
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Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See (2011) - Reckless Serenade

Reckless Serenade
Arctic Monkeys
Suck It And See (2011)

Topless models doing semaphore
Wave their flags as she walks by and get ignored
Illuminations on a rainy day
When she walks her footsteps sing
A reckless serenade

I've been trying to figure out
Exactly what it is I need
Called up to listen to the voice of reason
And got the answering machine

The type of kisses where teeth collide
When she laughs, the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby
Those twinkling vixens
With their shining spiral eyes
Their hypnosis goes unnoticed
When she's walking by

I've been trying to figure out
Exactly what it is I need
Called up to listen to the voice of reason
And got his answering machine

I left my message
But did he fuck get back to me
Now I'm stuck still wondering
How it's meant to be

Singing a reckless serenade
Reckless serenade


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