Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 293 online
TV 03:27:52
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Aretha Franklin - Aretha's Best (2001) - Do Right Woman, Do Right Man

Do Right Woman, Do Right Man
Aretha Franklin
Aretha's Best (2001)

Take me to heart
And I'll always love you
And nobody can make me do wrong
Take me for granted
Leaving love unshown
Makes will power weak
And temptation strong

A woman's only human
You should understand
She's not just a plaything
She's flesh and blood
Just like her man

If you want a do right
All days woman
You've gotta be a do right
All night man

Yeah, yeah
They say that it's a man's world
But you can't prove that by me
And as long as we're together baby
Show some respect for me

If you want a do right
All days woman
You've gotta be a do right
All night man

A woman's only human
This you should understand
She's not just a plaything
She's flesh and blood
Just like her man

If you want a do right
All days woman
You've gotta be a do right
All nights man
You've gotta be a do right
All nights man




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