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TV 04:05:30
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Aretha Franklin - So Damn Happy (2003) - You Are My Joy

You Are My Joy
Aretha Franklin
So Damn Happy (2003)

This is love
My darling
There's no denying it

In my responses
I was lying
Wherever you were
I wanted to be with you

Lover of my life
So many times
I wanted to be there
Oh darling

Just to be where
Wherever you were
I wanted to be there with you

The joining of our hearts
Joining of our heads
And with this ring I thee wed
The lover of my life

I'll trust you with my heart, dear
And trust you more when you're not here

I will be your wife
And I will love you, boy
So much more than the rest
I love you, boy
You are my joy

I love so much more than the rest
You are the king
You are the winner

Oh, boy, remember that
You are my joy
I love you so much more than the rest






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