Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 299 online
TV 02:11:19
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Ark, The - State Of The Ark (2004) - No End

No End
Ark, The
State Of The Ark (2004)

Don’t scratch your arm it’ll only get worse
and don’t even think, don’t open your purse
I can pay for you
That’s the least I can do
You can pay me back in kisses when the month is through
I wont lie to you

There is no end to love like ours
There is no end to a love like ours
There is no end to love like ours

You’ve got some kind of dirt on your shoulder
Blood in your eyes
No surprises
So tell me again what the future is like
It is me and it’s you, a porch and a stool
Let’s find out what the state provides for ageing fools
Would I lie to you?

There is no end to love like ours
There is no end to a love like ours
There is no end to love like ours






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