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TV 01:58:51
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Art Brut - Art Brut Vs. Satan (2009) - Twist and Shout

Twist and Shout
Art Brut
Art Brut Vs. Satan (2009)


I've had a song trapped in my head all day
I can't shake it, it won't go away
I start to sing it, but managed to stop
I cover it up with a little cough, ha ha

I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something popped and it just slipped out

I can't keep it inside me
My fingers tap out a melody
Oh no! Here it comes!
All I can hear is bass and drums

I've had a song trapped in my head all day
I can't shake it, it won't go away
I start to sing it, but managed to stop
I cover it up with a little cough, ha ha

I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to (?)
Something popped and it just slipped out

I need to keep my lips tight shut
To sing now would be inappropriate
I need to keep my lips tight shut
To sing now would be inappropriate
I need to keep my lips tight shut
To sing now would be inappropriate

La la la la la la la la la!

I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something popped and it just slipped out
I didn't mean to twist and shout
Something slipped and it just popped out
Something slipped and it just popped out


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