Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 288 online
TV 04:50:01
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Art Brut - It's A Bit Complicated (2007) - Direct Hit

Direct Hit
Art Brut
It's A Bit Complicated (2007)

He went out in a rush
And can't tell if it shows
She's looking over a lot
And he's still in his work clothes

He can't talk to members of the opposite sex
He starts to talk, they start to look perplexed
So with his eyes on the prize, and just a glance at her breasts
He walks over, and he says

It's uncomfortable all night to sit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
Move around like your shoes don't fit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
Why is that cigarette unlit?
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
What's wrong? Scared to commit?
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit

Her friends are leaving
She decides she's not going
She's been looking over a lot
And hopes it's been showing

She can't talk to members of the opposite sex
She starts to talk, they start to look perplexed
So with her eyes on the prize, and just a glance at her breasts
She goes over, and she says:

It's uncomfortable all night to sit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
Move around like your shoes don't fit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
What's wrong? Scared to commit?
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
I don't care that your friends have split
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit

Here comes the really good bit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
Move around like your shoes don't fit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
It's uncomfortable all night to sit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
Why is that cigarette unlit?
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit

I don't care that your friends have split
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
Move around like your shoes don't fit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
What's wrong? Scared to commit?
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit
It's uncomfortable all night to sit
Get on the dancefloor, it's a direct hit

Hit, hit, direct hit
Hit, hit, direct hit
Hit, hit, direct hit
Hit, hit, direct hit


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