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TV 02:40:53
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Art Brut - It's A Bit Complicated (2007) - Pump Up the Volume

Pump Up the Volume
Art Brut
It's A Bit Complicated (2007)

We'd taken our clothes off
In the wrong order
And you're leaving your shoes on
To make you look taller

I can't say I'm not
Enjoying the kissing
But I've a sneaky suspicion
That you're not really listening

I know I shouldn't
Is this so wrong
To break from your kiss
To turn up a pop song

I know I shouldn't
And It's possibly wrong
To break from your kiss
To turn up a pop song

I'm taking it slowly
I'll be reading the signs
I found my hand in a place
Where I can't tell if she minds

Rolling around
amongst our clothes on the floor
I can't help it
"Have you heard this song before?"

I know I shouldn't
Is this so wrong
To break from your kiss
To turn up a pop song

I know I shouldn't
And It's possibly wrong
To break from your kiss
To turn up a pop song

Then something angry
Between two people,
Red and flustered

We'd just kissed
And that's about it
It may as well have been
Radio static

I know I shouldn't
Is this so wrong
To break from your kiss
To turn up a pop song

I know I shouldn't
And It's possibly wrong
To break from your kiss
To turn up a pop song


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