Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 295 online
TV 02:53:06
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As Friends Rust - A Young Trophy BandIn The Parlance Of Our Times - Born With A Silver Spoon Up Your

Born With A Silver Spoon Up Your
As Friends Rust
A Young Trophy BandIn The Parlance Of Our Times

Your secrect is safe with everybody.
"Good", I said ,"Because I don't want nobody else to know."
(Note that double-negative.)
Tell me how it feels to like yourself because I don't know.
But I've read a lot about it.
He who be flashing dey ice gon' get sliced, right ?
So keep them chains out my visual frame.
Because we don't want nobody coming around here smiling
when you know damn well we got nothing to smile about.
Don't think I'm sleeping while you're rolling in your riches.
Don't think cross-town we're not plotting your demise.


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