Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 295 online
TV 06:13:49
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Ash - Meltdown (2004) - Meltdown

Meltdown (2004)

Revolution, we're the solution
We're gonna take it to the overload
Rebel radical retribution
We're here to get what we are owed

I think my head, my head is gonna explode
I think my head is gonna explode
I think my brain is gonna overload
I think my head is gonna explode

We're unified in a sonic nation
Leave all the fakers and the lies behind
You want to meet us in a confrontation
Our psychic weapons will destroy your mind

I think my head, my head is gonna explode
I think my head is gonna explode
I think my brain is gonna overload
I think my head is gonna explode

Now is the time yeah
To do it right
Take no more lies
Make up your mind yeah

The witch doctors and the politicians
They rule by fear and try to keep us down
But they can't see that these conditions
Will spark the fury of the underground
I see it on the global transmission
It's almost ready to overload
I see a dark apocalyptic vision
One minute now the world is gonna explode

I think my head, my head is gonna explode
I think my head is gonna explode
I think my brain is gonna overload
I think my head is gonna explode
I think my head, my head is gonna explode
I think my head is gonna explode
I think my brain is gonna overload
I think my head is gonna explode






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