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Assemblage 23 - Failure (2001) - Awake

Assemblage 23
Failure (2001)


I am lost
The footprints that I left have disappeared
For now I am driving blind

Without a destination to welcome me
This road is just an endless loop

Every time I close my eyes
The noise inside me amplifies
I can't escape
I relive every moment of the day
Every misstep I have made
Finds a way it can invade
My every thought
And this is why I find myself awake

The letters on the signs have long since faded
The sky conspires to swallow me

Paid the price
For burning all the maps to warm myself
I threw their ashes to the wind


Walk away
Time to leave the realm of the familiar
To find a place where sleep can come

For one last time I shout into the sky
To wake the ones I'll leave behind

(CH) x 2






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